Friday, March 11, 2011

One of my Favorite People

I got a special surprise that my best friend Nicki is coming this weekend.  Nicki and I met about 11 years ago at her brother's college graduation.  (Him and I went to school together).  It turned out that we would both be in Myrtle Beach for the summer working and wouldn't know anyone else.  Well I guess you could say the rest is history.  "Flamboyant Jamie" and "Wholesome Nicki" were a duo not to be messed with.  We've been through a lot the past 11 years, weddings, breakups/makeups, deaths and births, moving and new jobs, etc ...It makes me so happy to have her here this weekend, to reminisce and catch up.  I can't wait for the weekend to if I could just get my work finished..Happy Friday Everyone!


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