Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's March 1st...Winter is over!

For many of you March 1st doesn't mean anything to you, but to us southerners is a big freaking deal.  Winter is over and we can start our Spring - FAB!.  And living in a town dependent on tourism, it really means time to make some $$$$$.  I have complied a list of all the things I am excited to do now that Spring is now upon us:

  1. First and foremost, golf season is underway and I can start to see some good revenue numbers.  Not to mention opening up my lounge!
  2. Golf...without having to wear a jacket.  Swing easy!
  3. All outdoor activites with friends: BBQ's, Cornhole, waterfront Happy Hour, Beach days!
  4. New fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables
  5. Wardrobe changes with a spring feel to them.  Flowers, pastels, nautical stripes and WHITE (okay not till after memorial day)
  6. Outdoor Festivels on Main St. in NMB and also Market Commons
  7. A trip to the Hopesweee Plantation with some of my girls for afternoon tea and luncheon
  8. Wedding season, filled with bridal showers, bachelorette parties and weddings
  9. Hopefully seeing my family for Easter or Spring Break
  10. Viva la Mexico, can't wait to go!!!


  1. I don't know if I'm included in #7 but if I'm not can you put me on the list?!?! I really want to go : ) XOXO- Ash

  2. Ashley, of course you are coming to #7..DUH!
